“Conflict resolution is now more important than ever. Conflict can hamper progress and development, stall dialogue and even result in violence. However, if managed well, a conflict can become the starting point for engaged discussions on the basis of genuine interests instead of more superficial positions. This, in turn, can lead to inclusive, efficient, tailor made and sustainable outcomes. “

Maaike van der Werf

Result Mediation provides more than 1,200 successful mediations per year

  • National coverage, always a specialized mediator
  • MfN register mediators
  • Since 1998 – Active for more than 20 years
  • 91% succes rate

Welcome to Result Mediation Foundation

Result Mediation Foundation (RMF) offers mediation services to state actors, (inter)national NGO’s and other stakeholders working in international relations and who are dealing with conflicts or conflict-affected settings. Mediation is indispensable when you are trying to resolve a conflict. It helps everyone involved to open up and really listen to each other. In other words, it helps pave the way for a peaceful and durable solution.

Our mediators understand the dynamics of complex (political) environments and can help you with all aspects of the resolution process, ranging from process design, trust building and stakeholder engagement to conflict analysis, practical advice, training and support. Our approach is geared towards a resolution process that reflects the interests of all stakeholders, is sustainable and forward-looking. Our services tailored to the specific context and needs of our clients.


The power of mediation

Conflict is a part of life and can positively lead to stimulate thoughts and ideas. However, if tensions, difficulties and frustrations are not addressed properly they could spiral to create serious conflict. This is the case at the international level, the national level but also at the level of individuals, (ethnic, religious, economic) groups, organizations and communities.

Mediation works as a powerful tool to help people to move beyond conflict towards reconciliation, It is a structured, interactive process where an impartial third party assists disputing parties in resolving conflict through the use of specialized communication and negotiation techniques. Mediation is the most efficient way of achieving broadly accepted outcomes to most conflicts. As it is an opportunity for the parties to talk to each other directly, it resolves conflicts relatively fast; it is fairly inexpensive and leads to sustainable outcomes.

We support and enhance the work of a broad variety of actors, ranging from state actors, peace-makers, political parties, to (inter) national civil society actors engaged in conflict resolution.

About Result Mediation Foundation

Result Mediation Foundation originates from Result Mediation, the Netherlands largest mediation company that has solved over 15.000 conflicts during the last 20 years and that has trained over 2000 people to become professional mediators.

As part of its corporate social responsibility policy, Result Mediation has been giving core mediation training to change agents in conflict affected countries free of charge.
For every Dutch mediator trained in the Netherlands, Result Mediation trains a stakeholder or actor in a fragile, conflict-affected setting.

Over the years, the ambitions of Result Mediation to contribute on a greater scale grew and led to the establishment of Result Mediation Foundation (RMF) in 2021.
The mission of RMF is to build on the origins of the ‘giving-back- programme’ of Result Mediaton, and support conflict resolution around the world by providing excellence in mediation services.

We genuinely believe that we can make a difference and that genuine conflict resolution requires all stakeholders to be involved. Research supports us in our mission, read our analysis here.

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